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These are the 13 states with comprehensive consumer privacy protection laws
Drata compiled a breakdown of the 13 states that have passed consumer privacy protection laws using info collected by the International Association of Privacy Professionals.
Carter’s Drops New Seasonal Newborn Essentials for New Parents and Gifters
(BPT) - There’s nothing like the joy of expecting a baby. And while prepping for baby’s arrival is an exciting time, it can also be overwhelming — especially when it comes to what …
Cómo esta estrella del béisbol toma la iniciativa cuando se trata de neumonía neumocócica
(BPT) - El jugador profesional de béisbol JD Martínez presenta un mayor riesgo de neumonía neumocócica porque tiene asma y no quiere dejar que eso decida si va a seguir …
Knowing the Signs of Stroke
(Family Features) Stroke can happen to anyone - it happens to more than 800,000 people every year in the United States. Knowing the signs of stroke and how to prevent it can help protect you or your loved ones from disabilities caused by stroke.
Stay Safe and Healthy During and After Emergencies
(Family Features) As you're making your emergency preparedness checklist, it's also important to protect your heart and overall health in the wake of a hurricane, tornado or other natural disaster.